Home International Service Report of Br Mruthyunjaya Bhai’s Foreign Tour

Service Report of Br Mruthyunjaya Bhai’s Foreign Tour


Godly Message of Peace & Good wishes Presented at the American Telugu Association World Conference (ATA World Conference & Youth Convention)

New Jersey: I had the pleasure and privilege to participate and address the American Telugu Association Conference & Youth Retreat held at Prudential Center, New Yowark, New Jersey, USA.  The ATA Conference and Youth Convention event was held on 3rd, 4th & 5th July. 2008.  About 13,000 registered participants around the world attended the programs.  I was honored on 4th evening for my gracious participation and presenting Godly Message of peace and good wishes for the success of the event.  I had the opportunity to meet many Ministers from Andhra Pradesh and Government of India which include Smt. Purandareswari, Minister of State for Human Resources Development, Govt. of India.

My-self and Bro. Satyanarayan were invited as special guests for the event and also for the Dinner cum Reception hosted on the evening of 3rd July.  We could meet several VIPs, Industrialists, Ministers, MPs., MLAs., and others at the conference and Invited for the Peace Village New York, Shanti Sarovar, Hyderabad and to Mount Abu to our Headquarters. Many of them were kind enough to accept our invitation. Our delegation from India included Bro. B.K. Satyanarayana, B.K. Kuldeep, B.K. Shivani, B.K. Sandhya and Sangeeta from Hyderabad.  Dr. Parthasarati, Chairman and Managing Director, Hetero Drugs was the responsible instrument to invite Brahma Kumaris for this event and glorifying Baba. He is the friend ofBro. Satyanarayan. Dr. Chandra Reddy President of ATA, and Dr. Malla Reddy, Chief Patron of the event were very happy to meet us and provide all the hospitality.  Dr. Kala Iyenger, Peace Village, B.K..Sandya,Bro. Eric, New York, Bro. Ramprakash, Sis. Supriya, Boston, Bro. Srinivas, New Jersey, Bro, Hemang,  Edison.  Sis. Seetal and others participated.

The organizers provided us one exhibition stall in which we kept books, CD’s, Information sheets etc.  It was for the first time that the ATA invited Brahma Kumaris Organization officially and made all arrangements. In fact, ATA had invited Rajyogini Dadi Janki ji to inaugurate the Conference, she had also accepted the Invitation, but due to her sickness at the last moment, she could not participate.  However a Godly Message was given on her behalf.

Peace Village: The immediate result was that about 80 guests including Dr. Partasaraty Reddy, Dr Malla Reddy, Bro.Vimal, Bro. Gangadhar,  all Industrialists participated in the Spiritual Retreat on Spiritual Wisdom for Stress  Free Living Hosted at Peace Village, New York on 11th, 12th & 13th July 2008,   Respected Mohini behan  ji, Bro. Mruthyunaya, Dr. Kala Iyenger, Sis. Dorothy presented Spiritual inputs.  They were highly impressed by the retreat hospitality and service provided by the BKs of Peace Village.  The participants assured to take further 7 day course and also bring their family members, friends, and other 400 guests to Peace Village for the future retreats.     Another fruit of this program is that Dr. Malla Reddy and others have invited us to TANA (Telugu Association of North American) Conference to be held at Chicago in the month of July 2009.

Detroit: After the ATA Conference, we went to New York, Harmony House on 6th July. We shared our experience of our Godly life and also ATA program result with all the BKs in the Sunday morning class.  My-self and Bro. Satyanaryana went to Detroit on 7th Morning to meet his daughter Dr. Sudha, Son-in-law Raguram and their children.  We had the opportunity to meet all the B.K. Family on the Evening of 7th at Detroit.  About 40 BKs participated in the class and we shared our Spiritual Wisdom with them.  Brahma Bhoja – Dinner was arranged.   Sis. Subba Lakshmi and Indubhen were specially arranged the program. It was like a mini India in Detroit class.   The class war held at the house of Bro. Balaji, who is an IT professional and Baba’s child.  He has provided his house one floor for the service of Baba.

Green the Earth & Clean the Mind: A Brahma Kumaris Global Project Launched

Washington: On 8th morning myself and Bro. Satyanarayan reached Washington Airport at 8.30 am from Detroit.  We were received by Bro. Sanjay and Bro Jiten Mehata at the Airport and then we were taken to Washington center. Sis. Kuldeep, Shivani and Sandya were already there on 7th itself.   After our breakfast we were taken to meet one environment group. After brief introduction, Bro. Mruthyunjaya gave a power point presentation about our Project: “Green the Earth & Clean the Mind”.  Over 25 members participated in the meeting and we had question, answer and meditation session.    The organizers presented one Cap and some literature to our group-  Sis Jenna, B.K Kuldeep, BK Sivani, B.K. Sandya, Bro. Satyanarayan.  Sis. Jenna gave brief introduction of the Institution and at the end meditation was conducted and Baba’s gifit, toli were distributted.    After meeting this group, Sis. Jenna took us to another Institution which is working for the environment preservation.

They plant lots of trees and celebrate the UN Environment Day every year.  We had the privilege of meeting them and also gave them power point presentation about our Global project: Green the Earth & Clean the Mind.  They honoured us with gifts and literature.

At Washington DC on 8th evening A special program was arranged for launching our project: “Green the Earth & Clean the Mind”.  I gave the power point presentation which was followed by question, answers and meditation session.   The project was highly appreciated by the participants and assured to co-operate and support the project.  The program was followed by high tea and snacks.   The immediate response of the few participants was that they expressed their interest to visit Brahma Kumaris World Headquarters, Mount Abu.  The most significant part of the launching program was the Mayor of Washington DC presented a proclamation in support of the project. Copy of the proclamation separate document is enclosed herewith for your kind information.

On 9th July we went Verginia world famous beach city. Sis. Jenna took us, the journey took four hours drive from Washington. Bro. Pavan Kumar his wife Shashi and his daughters welcomed us with Indian tradition, offering flowers, tilak.  After Murli Class and coffee, we went to see the world famous Verginia beach.   We had our lunch and ferry journey in the ocean. Bro. Pavan took us to his Hotel and showed his hotel and its total management.   We discussed lot of future programs and planned to host a program in the near future at Peace Village and also at Mount Abu.  The proposed program is:

“Hospitality and Spiritual Tourism” Spiritual Retreat-cum-Dialogue For Hotel Owners, Managers, Business Leaders and Professionals

Toronto- Canada: From Peace Village Bro. Satyanarayana and my-self we to Toronto via Albani by American United Airlines.  We were received By Sis. Denise Larence at the Airport at 1.30 pm.   The same day we had class and dinner at Brain Center.  Next day (15th July) After, morning class and breakfast, we were taken to world famous, one of the 7 wonders of the world – Naigarfalls. After enjoyed our memorable visit, we returned to Toronto.  We met our respected uncle Stev Naraianji and his family members.

The same day evening Launching of our Global Project: “Green the Earth & Clean the Mind” was arranged at —— center.  More than 150 brothers and sisters including guests participated in the program.  One of the chief guests was Dr. Kuldip S Kular, Member of Parliament and working for the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care. He highly appreciated the project and assured to support the project.  After my power point presentation there were some question, answers and meditation was conducted by sis. Denise.   Many media persons, environmental groups, social organization participated.

Vancover Visit: Afternoon of 16th July we took flight from Toronto and reached Vancover Airport at 10.30 pm. We were received by our most loving spiritual sister Shobhana ji after waiting 2 hours because of flight delay. On 17th after morning class, we were taken to various places in the city including gardens, cable car On the evening of 17th, I gave class for all the BKs and shared Madhuban toli and blessings.  Next day on 19th we were taken to World Famous Victoria Gardens.

Dallas: It was a wonderful memory to visit Dallas center, where sister Ranjan, Dina and other Baba’s children including Bro. Gopal Bhai, his family welcomed us.  I shared my spiritual wisdom at the class on the evening of 21st July followed by Dinner.  Sis Ranjanabhen interwied me on various topics.  Myself and Brother Satyanarayan his family members Anuradhabhen (wife), son Srinivas, Daughter-in-law Srilakshmi and her son Siddanth, only 3 months old child and his grand mother were joined the Dinner.  Bro. Kartik son of Bro. Bose bhai of Seconderabad was present in the class and he took us to Hotel Hyat Regency around 11 pm.

On 22nd morning we visited the house of Srinivas and met all the members of his family including his lovely child Siddanth.  We went to Rajyoga Meditation Center and from there we went with Bro. Gopal, Ranjanabhen to see a big house which is in a commercial place, where brothers and sisters can park hundreds of cars.  It is truly a nice building for the center. Then we returned to center, we had our lunch and went to see the Late 35th youngest President of America Mr. J.F.Kennary, museum, where he was assassinated. It is truly a historic museum provides the information about how President J.F.Kenady was assassinated, the world wide reaction.   We purchased a book and went to Airport and boarded the American Airways for San Francisco.

San Francisco: On 18th July, we reached San Francisco at about 8.30 pm. Bro. Janardhan ji was at the Airport and we were taken to Anubooti Retreat Center. Sis Hema and others received us. Next day we shared our experiences at the morning class and after breakfast, we went to Baker Street Center, where our respected Sis. Chandruji welcomed us.

A beautiful program was arranged _ Celebrating the Human Greatness.  I had the opportunity to express my spiritual wisdom and answers to questions posed by Bro. Janardan Reddy and other participants. Over 100 VIPs and IPs participated in the program. Some of them had visited Mount Abu. We had also discussed and made a proposed plan for organizing an International Cultural Festival at Mount Abu and Shanti Sarovar, Hyderabad in the month of February 2009 between Maha Shiv Jayanti Celbrations and Holy Festival.  The proposed theme is: International Cultural Festival on: “Experiencing God’s Love and Peace” Milpitas Service: On 19th July Bro. Atam Dayal jii of Millitas took us in his car to Millpitas city which is called cellican vally of America.  On 20th, there was a program for all the students and contact souls of Milipitas which was arranged at a park.  We went there at 7.30 am and meditate for 45 minutes.  After breakfast  I shared the vision and mission of our projects – “Green the Earth & Clean the Mind” and also about “Self-Empowerment through Human Values”.  I pointed out the latest Baba’s directions, Murli points, Development programs at Mount Abu.  I shared my 40 years of Godly Life  and spiritual experiences in Mount Abu. Over 100 Baba’s childfen and some contact souls were benefited from the class.  Bro. Satyanarayan ji also shared his experiences.  Every one enjoyed the music and song by  Bro. Ramesh ji. Sis. Kusum ji, the instrument for Godly Service in this area was very happy and made our life comfortable, memorable, and worthwhile visit.   I had the opportunity, to meet several old brothers and sisters. On 20th evening, we were taken to ferry drive and also to see the Golden Bridge, Mahatma Gandhi statue near the Old: Port of San Francisco. Bro. Atam Dayal ji, Sis Kusum, and one sister of Amritsar were with us. On 22nd July: We returned again to San Francisco from Dalas. Bro, Janardha ji received us at 9 pm at the San Francisco Airport and took us to Anubooti Retreat Center.  We took our night rest and next day morning we shared our spiritual experiences at the Retreat center which is really a beautiful place and Godly gift for service. After our breakfast we left for London.

London: We arrived, London on 24th July morning at 7.15 am. We were received at the Airport by our respected Bro. Baldev ji and sis. Nayna.  We reached Global Co-operation House at 8.30 am. We were welcomed by all the Brothers and sisters including Sisters. Jayanti ji, Jasu, Bindu, Gopi, Kavitabhen. We do not know how to return the care and hospitality that we enjoyed in London.  The same evening we had little tour of London.

On 25th July, we shared our experience and tour news with all the brothers and sisters in the morning class.  Afternoon, we visited Inner Space and other important places.  On 26th July, we visited Global Retreat Centre, Oxford and experienced the true hospitality of our sisters and brothers.  Next day after sharing our experience in the class, we visited Inner Space at Oxford University Campus. It is really eye opener to the new visitors. On 27th July, Didi Manmohini Day was observed at the Global Retreat House, London, Nearly 1000 brothers and sisters from all the centers were gathered.  After Bhog, we shared our experiences, which we received palana from Dadi ji as World Spiritual Leader.  In the evening we toured again some important places in London.  On 28th July, we left at 5.00 am to London airport and boarded the Luftansa Flight at 7.00 am. We reached Hyderabad Airport next day early morning at 1.00 am (29th July Indian time) and reached Maradpally Center at 2.00 pm. On July 30th Myself, Bro. Satyanarayan, Anuradha ji shared our experience of one month tour program in USA., Canada and London.  In the Afternoon I visited Shanti Sarovar and inaugurated the RTC Union Leaders Training program:  “Excellency in Leadership”, then, we reviewed the progress of Auditorium construction.   I left the Shanti Sarovar at 4.00 pm and boarded the Air Deccan Flight to Ahamedabad at 6.00 pm., reached Ahmedabad at 7.45 p.m. On 30th July, I reached Shantivan, Abu Road at 7.15 am., and met Respected Dadi Janki ji, Dadi Hirdaya Mohini ji, Ratan Mohini ji, Mohini ji, Ishubhen, Munnibhen, Bro.Nirwarir and other brothers and sisters. In the evening I reached Madhuban, our sweet home.

Om Shanti.




  1. This is from BK Shoba,Pollachi,TamilNadu
    Feeling Great of Baba’s work getting spreaded in USA.
    If we follow the Human Values surely we can win the heart of others as we are all in Baba’s heart.
    Once this soul had a chance of meeting br.B.K.Mruthyunjaya in Pollachi.