Home Mauritius Senior Citizen Service At Mauritius

Senior Citizen Service At Mauritius


Dr mahesh hemadri geriatrician of global hospital and research centre…who is working at gv mody health care centre near shantivan….visited mauritius from 14th to 26th of july 2009. he was invited from ministry of social security & national solidarity and senior citizens welfare and reform institutions..

mrs Sheila.bappoo. Dr mahesh after completion of study in geriatric medicine from ignou..spread the message of ageing gracefully through empowering senior citizens with spirituality.during his visit he addressed more than 2000 senior citizens at different places of mauritius.presented 3 TV interveiws…and one radio interveiw.In which he narrated various interventions to become ageing gracefully. during this programme brahmakumari sisters demonstrated and practised rajyoga meditation for senior citizens.Dr mahesh hemadri narrated role of spirituality for healthy ageing.He emphasized how 1 lac senior citizens in brahmakumaris ishwariya vishwa vidyalaya practising rajyoga meditation…and they are maintaining and leading peacefull life,and their family relations are excellant.

Dr mahesh hemadri has conducted several senior citizens programmes all over india across 7 states addressed 8000 senior citizens.

contact address

Email id: [email protected]

Contact: 02974-228448. 02974-228129

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