9th -11th Jan 2009, Om  Shanti Retreat  Centre

With the aim of self development and spiritual empowerment of youth a festival titled “The Spring of Spirits” was held at ORC from the 9th to 11th Jan 2009. About 1500 youth from Delhi and NCR participated in the festival. It proved to be an enriching and empowering experience for the organizers as well as the participants. A special programme was designed for BK youth on the 9th and 10th Jan 2009 which included workshops, classes, panel discussion, meditation experience and a chance to interact with senior BKs including Dadi Ratan Mohiniji, Jt.Chief of Brahma Kumaris & Chairperson of youth wing. On the 11th the festival was open for other youth who came from all parts of Delhi and NCR. Interactive workshops, spiritual classes, talks, interviews, guest interactions, games and eye catching stalls on drug de addiction, ORC services and facilities, BaapDada’s versions for youth and cartoons depicting lifestyle of youth were major attractions of the festival.

Programme Details :

9th Jan 2009

The Festival was inaugurated by Dadi Ratan Mohini ji at 6:30 p.m. Around 200 BK youth were present for the inauguration. Youth age is the time when our sanskars are moulded and our character is buit. Spirituality gives us the power to discern between right and wrong remarked Sis. Asha, Director ORC in her welcome address. Bro. Brij Mohan in his address to the youth stressed on some basic disciplines of Godly life and he said that if we follow God’s directions accurately he will take up our responsibility. Dadi Ratan Mohini ji in her inaugural address also commented that if all youth come together and channelize their energies in the right direction then they can reveal God and his task through their actions. After a formal inaugural session the participants were introduced to each other through some innovative ice breakers and the programme overview was discussed.

10th Jan 2009

The Festival began at 09:30 a.m. with around 400 BK youth participants being divided into 4 innovative workshops details of which are as follows.

Workshop 1 : Japanese Crane – A unique team building activity conducted in silence through which various values including patience, cooperation, tolerance, love, humility etc were realized through observation and participation.

Workshop 2 : Avyakt Drills – An experiential workshop conducted in Baba’s room to help participants experience the five forms of the drill with guided commentary.

Workshop 3 : Spiritual Café – An interactive workshop with senior Rajyogi brothers and sisters sharing their experiences in small groups with participants.

Workshop 4: Know Your Vision: A reflective workshop in which participants worked in groups to reflect upon themselves and understand their vision of life and also to understand how to achieve it.

The workshop was followed by games and sports competitions organized for the participants. Different sports including 100 and 200 mts race, long jump, high jump, musical chairs etc. were conducted. After lunch the audience witnessed a spectacular talent show in which around 22 BK youth participated. Participants displayed their talents in fine arts in the first round and were asked questions related to spirituality in the second round which were designed to check their overall understanding of spiritual knowledge and its application. The competition was judged by senior BK sisters. More interesting events including panel discussion by senior sisters as panelists and class by Dadi Ratan Mohini ji were conducted in the evening and was highly appreciated by all those who attended. The day ended with a grand bon fire and cultural performances by participants.

11th Jan 2009

On 11th Jan the festival started with a very deep and thought provoking meditation session which was followed by followed by 3 interactive workshops on Bridging Generation Gap, Enhancing Memory Power and Discover Life. A total of 1500 youth from different backgrounds attended and benefited from the workshops. This was followed by a plenary session on Channelizing the Power Within in which Dadi Ratan Mohini, Chairperson, Youth Wing and other seniors addressed the gathering. Lunch arrangement for all participants was made in the lush green lawns of ORC. After a fulfilling lunch the participants witnessed a unique Value Walk in which characters representing various values walked down the ramp and gave a brief introduction of spirituality. This was a very unique way of introducing participants to spirituality and encouraging them to imbibe it in their lives. The most interesting event of the festival was the Panel discussion which included panelists from various fields like Mr. Amit Bhatia, CEO, Aspire, Ms. Japjee, youngest pilot, Mr. Shashikant, Editor, Sadhna Path and senior Brother Brij Mohan. The panelists shared their secrets of success and gave very practical and valuable tips to practice which were very inspirational for the young audience. The festival concluded with a very warm address by Sis. Asha, Director, Om Shanti Retreat Centre and was followed by distribution of prizes, gifts and prasad. All participants returned with a new zeal, enthusiasm and determination to do everything that makes their life positive, creative and meaningful. It was a unique festival in which many new things were introduced, a wide range of participants were there and new hopes and aspirations were created.

Youth Festival