Home National National Media Dialogue Conclusions

National Media Dialogue Conclusions


A 3-day National Media Dialogue-cum-Raj yoga Retreat on “Inner Empowerment of Media Persons” was organized by Prajapita Brahma Kumaris Ishwariya Vishwa Vidyalaya and Media Wing of Rajyoga Education & Research Foundation at Gyan Sarovar Academy for Better World, Mount Abu ( Rajasthan) from 14th to 16th June, 2009

Over four hundred professionals, academicians and experts representing print, electronic, cyber promotional and traditional media from different states of India & Singapore attended the Dialogue, deliberating through open sessions and concurrent group dialogue, four each, and after experiencing through five spiritual lecture-cum-meditation series, they arrived at the following conclusions:

A: There has been an increase in outward or external empowerment of media persons in terms of money, materials, tools, techniques, technology, status, position, respect & recognition. It has often led to their misuse for narrow, selfish end and vested interests in the absence of true Inner empowerment of
media person.

B: True Inner empowerment means a qualitative change in media persons’ consciousness, thinking, attitude, outlook, vision, values, character and conduct from negative to positive, from narrow to broad and from selfish & self centric to salutary & altruistic.

C: Such a qualitative change in media persons’ life calls for cultivation of core qualities like truth, tolerance, trusteeship, patience, perseverance, contentment, courage, compassion, commitment, credibility, honesty, integrity, impartiality, accuracy, objectivity, equipoise, equality, justice and fair play on the basis of India’s age old rich spiritual wisdom, Raj yoga meditation, positive and healthy lifestyle.

D: Such empowered media persons, through their value-based publications, programmes and productions will make creative constructive and substantial contribution in creating, sustaining and spreading on atmosphere and culture of peace, non-violence, unity, brotherhood, health, harmony & happiness among people and the society. They will focus on media coverage more of developmental issues and less of trivial issues like glamour, glitter, gossips, celebrity, sex, crime and violence.

E: For such healthy and positive transformation in self and society, media persons need to follow, cover and highlight the philosophy, practices and activities of like minded people and organizations such as that of the Brahma Kumaris from time to time.

F: Since media persons are answerable to none, but to their own conscience and reportorial good sense, it has been felt all the more imperative to enhance their inner powers of detachment, discrimination, judgment, dedication and dutifulness towards citizens and society through the regular practice of self introspection, self control, self regulation, contemplation and communion of inner self with the Supreme Being in meditation, as way of life.

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