Home National Dehradun My India Healthy India Campaign Inauguration and Service Report

Dehradun My India Healthy India Campaign Inauguration and Service Report

In Photos
1. Bro Harbans Kapoor Vidhan sabha Adyaksh and Rajayogini B.K.Premlata
19/8/09, Inaguration of My india Healthy India Campain
4.Swami Avad bihari and swami darshanji and BKBanarasilal Bhaiji
3.Group photo of the Rally
2.Group photo of the Rally, Opening Rally with the Flag
9.Group photo of members of the Rally Haridwar Patanjali Yogpeet,
5.Pandit Chakraverthy doing pooja to River Ganga , BK.Banarsi lal Bhai and BK.Dr.Ramprakash Bhai
6.Group photo of members of the rally with Sree Ramdev babaji 20/8/09 Haridwar
7.Sree Ramdev Baba giving inspiration to the rally. BK.Manju, Dr.Vasanti B.K.Jayashree
10.Dehradun Rally Inaguration program Public photo 19/8/09
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