Platinum Jubilee Celebrations of Shivjayanti from Milpitas, California
Platinum Jubilee Celebrations of Shivjayanti : Mayor of Milpitas USA Jose Esteves presenting memo to Dr.Hansa Raval and Sr.BK Kusum for service Brahma Kumaris...
Womens Program In Govt. College Bahadurgarh.Haryana.
B.K. Amrita being awarded for her social services by vice principal Govt college bahadurgarh at womens programe.
Dr. Hansa Raval honoured with Int’l Women’s Day Outstanding Service Award...
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Prime Minister of Nepal inaugurates Shivajayanti Mahotsav at Pokhara, Nepal
Shivajayanti Mahotsav at Pokhara Nepal
75th ShivaRatri celebration of Nepalgunj,Nepal
75th ShivaRatri celebration of Nepalgunj,Nepal
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Shivjayanti Celebrations at Lotus House, Ahmedabad
Shivjayanti Celebrations at Lotus House, Ahmedabad
Platinum Jubilee-cum-Shiv Jayanti Celebration at Shantivan
News of Shivaratri
News Cultral Programme Shivaratri