Home National Inauguration Of ‘Brahma Kumaris Road’ In Trivandrum

Inauguration Of ‘Brahma Kumaris Road’ In Trivandrum


Inauguration Of 'Brahma Kumaris Road' In Trivandrum Inauguration Of 'Brahma Kumaris Road' In Trivandrum

Road Adjacent to Brahmakumaris – Shiv Chintan Bhavan at Trivandrum Was  Named After Brahma  Kumaris as  Brahma Kumaris Road Which Was Inaugurated
By Sir Oommen Chandy The Leader Of Oppositions, Kerala Govt.


  1. Good good..! really happy to hear transformations..! let this get the attention of everyone around..! om shanthi

  2. fully literate state now the time has come that the whole of kerala should be declared the first fully literate state with regard to knowledge of shiv babas gyan … may you be successful””…..om shanti….. bkrajiv 09417441177